Phlebotomy Schools In Delaware


Phlebotomy Certification Delaware

The Delaware Division of Professional Regulation recommends applicants to become certified although is not a mandatory requirement to be certified. Because usually employers will prefer phlebotomists with certification, it’s highly recommended to get your phlebotomy certification in Delaware.

Delaware Schools with Phlebotomy Training Programs:

The following schools offer some sort of phlebotomy training in the state of Delaware. All of the schools listed here are accredited programs and the course offerings should lead to an opportunity to sit for a phlebotomy certification exam. Contact the school for detailed information regarding their phlebotomy training program.

Name Address Phone Course
Delaware Technical Community College 100 Campus Drive
Dover, Delaware 19904-1383
(302) 830 5204 This course is certified by the American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians (ASPT). Students are trained to perform a variety of blood collection methods using proper techniques and precautions. Classes are taught in lecture, student laboratory and through clinical experiences. ASPT certification exam will be administered at the conclusion of the program. Attendance at a pre-admission info session is required.
Tri-State Technical School 10 Front St.
Laurel, Delaware 19801
888 601 0116 This Phlebotomy Technician course will introduce students to the science and art of phlebotomy. Subjects that will be studied include medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, the various methods utilized for collecting blood samples and the equipment needed to accomplish this task, the use of technology in the realm of phlebotomy, infection control and regulatory safety assurances and legalities.

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