Phlebotomy Schools In New Hampshire


Phlebotomy Certification New Hampshire

The State of New Hampshire recommends applicants to become certified although is not a mandatory requirement to be certified. Because usually employers will prefer phlebotomists with certification, it’s highly recommended to get your phlebotomy certification in New Hampshire.

New Hampshire Schools with Phlebotomy Training Programs:

The following schools offer some sort of phlebotomy training in the state of New Hampshire. All of the schools listed here are accredited programs and the course offerings should lead to an opportunity to sit for a phlebotomy certification exam. Contact the school for detailed information regarding their phlebotomy training program.

Name Address Phone Course
River Valley Community College 1 College Drive
Claremont, NH 03743
(603) 542-7744 The Phlebotomy Program integrates theoretical, practical and interpersonal skills providing the basis for the certificate recipient to work as an entry-level phlebotomist. Classroom learning is followed by a 120-hour internship that is performed, weekdays, in a clinical laboratory or other health care facility to provide the skills required of a certified phlebotomist.
White Mountains Community College 2020 Riverside Drive
Berlin, NH 03570
(603) 752-1113 Phlebotomists (PBT) practice standard precautions, perform venipuncture, perform capillary puncture, and obtain specimens for microbiological testing. Students who successfully complete this certificate are eligible to sit for a national certification examination offered by several professional organizations.

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