Phlebotomy Schools In Rhode Island


Phlebotomy Certification Rhode Island

The State of Rhode Island recommends applicants to become certified although is not a mandatory requirement to be certified. Because usually employers will prefer phlebotomists with certification, it’s highly recommended to get your phlebotomy certification in Rhode Island.

Rhode Island Schools with Phlebotomy Training Programs:

The following schools offer some sort of phlebotomy training in the state of Rhode Island. All of the schools listed here are accredited programs and the course offerings should lead to an opportunity to sit for a phlebotomy certification exam. Contact the school for detailed information regarding their phlebotomy training program.

Name Address Phone Course
Community College of Rhode Island One Hilton St.
Providence, RI 02905-2304
401-455-6000 The Phlebotomy certificate program is a part-time, two-semester program offered three times a year. The program includes lectures and laboratory experiences at CCRI as well as
practical training at a clinical site. Instruction is designed to provide both the technical and interpersonal skills required for the competent and professional practice of phlebotomy.
Upon successful completion of this program, graduates are eligible to sit for a national certification examination for phlebotomy given by recognized agencies.
Cranston Alternate Education Programs 83 Rolfe Square
Cranston, RI 02910
(401) 270-8189 Appoximately a five month program of theory and training as well as obtaining a minimum of 100 successful venipuntures at clinical are required to receive your certificate. This class will cover blood-sampling procedures, medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, blood and cell composition, laboratory operations as well as EKG.
Cost: $1,300
911 Programs 555 Jefferson Blvd.
Warwick, RI
Must be able to read, write, and speak English fluently. Must be able to read and write at the 8th grade level and do math at the 6th grade level. Must also have access to a computer with internet access. GED or HS Diploma, BCI within the past 6 months. Immunizations not required for enrollment, but required before lab practice and clinical placement.
Cost: $2,800

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