Phlebotomy Schools In Wyoming


Phlebotomy Certification Wyoming

The State of Wyoming recommends applicants to become certified although is not a mandatory requirement to be certified. Because usually employers will prefer phlebotomists with certification, it’s highly recommended to get your phlebotomy certification in Wyoming.

Wyoming Schools with Phlebotomy Training Programs:

The following schools offer some sort of phlebotomy training in the state of Wyoming. All of the schools listed here are accredited programs and the course offerings should lead to an opportunity to sit for a phlebotomy certification exam. Contact the school for detailed information regarding their phlebotomy training program.

Name Address Phone Course
Casper College 125 College Drive
Casper, Wyoming 82601
307-268-2100 Casper College offers an Associate of Science in Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) and a certificate of completion for phlebotomy training. Both options consist of non-MLT as well as MLT courses, and students are integrated into all aspects of college life.
Central Wyoming College 2660 Peck Avenue
Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 855 – 2000
(800) 735 – 8418
This 2 credit, one semester class will teach techniques of drawing blood and specimen collection for hospital and clinic laboratories. After course completion and 25 successful venipunctures, students will be eligible for the national certification exam through NCCT for a national certificate. This program partners with Sagewest Lab and with community health fairs for practical experience.
Northwest College 231 West 6th Street
Powell, WY 82435
307-754-6062 Students will learn the practice of phlebotomy and will be provided with the basic knowledge to perform a variety of blood collection methods using proper techniques and precautions. Emphasis will be placed on infection prevention, universal precautions, proper patient identification, specimen acquisition, handling and processing. Quality assurance, professional conduct and federal regulatory issues will be covered as well.

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