Phlebotomy Schools In Alaska


Phlebotomy Certification Alaska

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services recommends applicants to become certified although is not a mandatory requirement to be certified. Because usually employers will prefer phlebotomists with certification, it’s highly recommended to get your phlebotomy certification in Alaska.

Alaska Schools with Phlebotomy Training Programs:

The following schools offer some sort of phlebotomy training in the state of Alaska. All of the schools listed here are accredited programs and the course offerings should lead to an opportunity to sit for a phlebotomy certification exam. Contact the school for detailed information regarding their phlebotomy training program.

Name Address Phone Course
Alaska Career College 1415 E. Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99507-1033
(907) 563-7575
(800) 770-7575
At ACC, students learn Medical Terminology, Anatomy and Physiology as they directly pertain to phlebotomy. The program covers all aspects of blood sample collection. Students learn a minimum of forty of the most commonly ordered laboratory tests and why they are ordered, how to handle abnormal test results, special procedures such as pediatric collections, arterial blood gases, and how to receive and transport specimens properly.
Student not only learn in the classroom, but also in a modern laboratory simulating the facilities, equipment and records found in both the administrative and clinical areas of this medical environment.
ACC’s Phlebotomy Assistant Specialist students are scheduled to “sit” for their national certification exam during the program without waiting for the two-year in the field of work experience requirement prior to testing. Upon successful completion of the exam, ACC graduates are credentialed as Nationally Certified Phlebotomy Technicians, NCPT, receiving nationally recognized credentials and certification and acceptance into a career path and profession of healthcare technology.
University of Alaska Anchorage 3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508
(907) 786-1800 The UAA Phlebotomy program prepares students to seek work as a Phlebotomist. They offer a nine (9) credit Occupational Endorsement Certificate (OEC). The Phlebotomist program typically starts every Fall and Spring semester and takes two semesters of part-time enrollment to complete. Students are eligible to sit for national certification examinations in phlebotomy after completion of MEDT A195A.
The Phlebotomist Occupational Endorsement Certificate is offered on campus and by distance delivery. Students enrolling in the courses offered by distance delivery must reside outside of Anchorage and Eagle River. Students are responsible for locating and making arrangements with a mentoring facility to complete the laboratory portion of distance classes. The UAA Phlebotomy Program may be able to help identify and suggest appropriate clinical sites, and will need to establish a Memorandum of Agreement with the site and the University before approval can be given.
University of Alaska Fairbanks Community and Technical College 604 Barnette Street
Fairbanks, AK 99701
(907) 455-2876 he one-semester Phlebotomy training course meets accreditation guidelines for Phlebotomy Technician programs. A student who earns the certificate in Phlebotomy will satisfy the training requirements to sit for the ASCP (American Society of Clinical Pathologists) national certification examination for Phlebotomy Technician (PBT, ASCP). Students wishing to enroll in the Phlebotomy course must submit a completed application packet in order to be considered.

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